Wall House

 It seems like a fortress, in Khaldiya, Kuwait, but in fact it's a house, the Wall House, concealed behind the stone facade, with four open air terraces.

Wall House x 5 STYLE #2
Wall House x 5 STYLE #3

Designed by AGi Architects, based on Lewis Carroll tale, as they refer, the Wall House was thought as a shelter to protect a family in their shell, but simultaneously creating a freedom sensation from the inside out.

Wall House x 5 STYLE #4
Wall House x 5 STYLE #5

With a solid and close facade the several openings, creating gardens and terraces on the three floors, provide natural light allowing its inhabitants enjoy their privacy and high level brightness.

Wall House x 5 STYLE #6
Wall House x 5 STYLE #7
Wall House x 5 STYLE #8

This house reflects the lifestyle that this family wants, the feeling of freedom enclosed in walls, shared in their "own private luminous oasis".

Words: Nelson Garrido

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